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Tom Gates: Big Book of Fun Stuff

Tom Gates: Big Book of Fun Stuff

Pichon Liz


Don't get bored - get busy!

The must-have activity book for fans of Tom Gates: packed with drawing guides, fun games, brilliant puzzles and perfect pranks to play on older sisters - there's hours of fun ahead!

Previously published in hardback in 2014 as The Brilliant World of Tom Gates Annual: now with added brand new pages from Liz.

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Don't get bored - get busy!

The must-have activity book for fans of Tom Gates: packed with drawing guides, fun games, brilliant puzzles and perfect pranks to play on older sisters - there's hours of fun ahead!

Previously published in hardback in 2014 as The Brilliant World of Tom Gates Annual: now with added brand new pages from Liz.


Pichon Liz

Liz Pichon je britanska ilustratorka i dječja književnica. Najpoznatija je po seriji Tom Sates "Satirično realistična komična fikcija", koja je prevedena na 43 jezika, a prodana je u više od osam milijona primjeraka širom svijeta.

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