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Lee Harper
To Kill A Mockingbird
Lee Harper
'Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.'
A lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of Harper Lee's classic novel - a black man falsely charged with the rape of a white girl. Through the young eyes of Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores with exuberant humour the irrationality of adult attitudes to race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s. The conscience of a town steeped in prejudice, violence and hypocrisy is pricked by the stamina of one man's struggle for justice. But the weight of history will only tolerate so much.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a coming-of-age story, an anti-racist novel, a historical drama of the Great Depression and a sublime example of the Southern writing tradition.
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'Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.'
A lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of Harper Lee's classic novel - a black man falsely charged with the rape of a white girl. Through the young eyes of Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores with exuberant humour the irrationality of adult attitudes to race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s. The conscience of a town steeped in prejudice, violence and hypocrisy is pricked by the stamina of one man's struggle for justice. But the weight of history will only tolerate so much.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a coming-of-age story, an anti-racist novel, a historical drama of the Great Depression and a sublime example of the Southern writing tradition.

Nelle Harper Lee je rođena 1926. godine u Alabami kao najmlađe od četvoro djece. Njen je otac bio urednik novina i pravnik. Kao dijete voljela je čitati i uživala je u druženju sa školskim kolegom i susjedom Trumanom Capoteom. Upisala je pravo na Sveučilištu Alabama koje nikada nije diplomirala. Roman "Ubiti pticu rugalicu" dovršila je 1959. godine, a 1961. godine je za njega dobila Pulitzerovu nagradu. Knjiga je odmah po izdavanju postala bestseler, a to je ostala i do danas. Časopis Library Journal knjigu je 1999. proglasio “najboljim romanom stoljeća". Godine 2007. spisateljica je za svoj doprinos književnosti odlikovana Predsjedničkom medaljom slobode.
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