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Backman Fredrik
Penguin Books
Things My Son Needs to Know About The World
Backman Fredrik
Things My Son Needs To Know About The World is a tender and funny series of letters from a new father to his son about one of life's most daunting experiences: parenthood
From the 13 million copy internationally bestselling author of A Man Called Ove
'You can be whatever you want to be, but that's nowhere near as important as knowing that you can be exactly who you are'
In between the sleep-obsessed lows and oxytocin-fuelled highs, Backman takes a step back to share his own experience of fatherhood and how he navigates such unchartered territory.
Part memoir, part manual, part love letter to his son, this book relays the big and the small lessons in life.
As he watches his son take his first steps into the world, he teaches him how to navigate both love - and IKEA - and tries to explain why, sometimes, his dad might hold his hand just a little bit too tightly.
This is an irresistible and insightful collection from one of the world's most beautiful storytellers - the bestselling author of A Man Called Ove and Beartown.
Praise for Fredrick Backman:
'A mature, compassionate novel' Sunday Times
'Will, funny, and almost unbearably moving' Daily Mail
'You'll love this engrossing novel' People
'Backman is a masterful writer' Kirkus Review
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Things My Son Needs To Know About The World is a tender and funny series of letters from a new father to his son about one of life's most daunting experiences: parenthood
From the 13 million copy internationally bestselling author of A Man Called Ove
'You can be whatever you want to be, but that's nowhere near as important as knowing that you can be exactly who you are'
In between the sleep-obsessed lows and oxytocin-fuelled highs, Backman takes a step back to share his own experience of fatherhood and how he navigates such unchartered territory.
Part memoir, part manual, part love letter to his son, this book relays the big and the small lessons in life.
As he watches his son take his first steps into the world, he teaches him how to navigate both love - and IKEA - and tries to explain why, sometimes, his dad might hold his hand just a little bit too tightly.
This is an irresistible and insightful collection from one of the world's most beautiful storytellers - the bestselling author of A Man Called Ove and Beartown.
Praise for Fredrick Backman:
'A mature, compassionate novel' Sunday Times
'Will, funny, and almost unbearably moving' Daily Mail
'You'll love this engrossing novel' People
'Backman is a masterful writer' Kirkus Review

Fredrik Backman (rođen 1981) započeo je karijeru kao jedan od najpoznatijih švedskih blogera i kolumnista.
Debitovao je u književnosti 2012. godine, kada je objavio međunarodni fenomen Čovek po imenu Uve.
Neobično smiješni, dirljivi i mudri, Backmanovi romani su odiseje običnih ljudi i zadivljujuće priče o svakodnevnoj hrabrosti. Fredrik Bakman je dosad napisao pet romana – svi su dobili pohvale kritike i postali međunarodni bestseleri – i jedno djelo iz oblasti publicistike. Romani su mu prodati u dvanaest miliona primjeraka širom svieta.
Čovek po imenu Uve je preveden na četrdeset četiri jezika i nalazi se na petom mjestu u Velikoj Britaniji po broju prodatih primjeraka u 2016. godini, a 2017. ova priča o dopadljivom džangrizalu slavi godišnjicu kako se nalazi na listi bestselera New York Timesa.
Švedski film koji je snimljen po ovom romanu nominovan je za Oscara 2017. za najbolji strani film.
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