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The Stone Woman

The Stone Woman

Ali Tariq


The Stone Woman is the third novel of Tariq Ali's "Islam Quartet." Like its predecessors - Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree and The Book of Saladin - its power lies both in the story-telling and the challenge it poses to stereotyped images of life under Islam.


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The Stone Woman is the third novel of Tariq Ali's "Islam Quartet." Like its predecessors - Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree and The Book of Saladin - its power lies both in the story-telling and the challenge it poses to stereotyped images of life under Islam.



Ali Tariq

Tariq Ali je rođen u Lahoreu, u Pakistanu. Studirao je političke nauke, filozofiju i ekonomiju na Oksfordskom univerzitetu i za vrijeme studija istakao se kao oštar protivnik rata u Vijetnamu. Urednik časopisa New Left Review, Tariq Ali, jedan od najznačajnijih lijevo orijentiranih intelektualaca današnjice, napisao je više knjiga o svjetskoj historiji i politici – 1968: Marching in the Streets; Rough Music: Blairs, Bombs, Baghdad, London, Terror;... zbirke eseja – Conversations with Edward Said; The Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity (prevedena na naš jezik kao Sukob fundamentalizama: križarski ratovi, džihad i suvremenost); The protocols of the Elders of Sodom;...


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