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The Penelopiad

The Penelopiad

Margaret Atwood


Penelope. Immortalised in legend and myth as the devoted wife of the glorious Odysseus, silently weaving and unpicking and weaving again as she waits for her husband's return.

Now Penelope wanders the underworld, spinning a different kind of thread: her own side of the story - a tale of lust, greed and murder.

The Myths series brings together some of the world's finest writers, each of whom has retold a myth in a contemporary and memorable way. Authors in the series include Karen Armstrong, Margaret Atwood, A.S. Byatt, David Grossman, Natsuo Kirino, Alexander McCall Smith, Philip Pullman, Ali Smith and Jeanette Winterson.


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Penelope. Immortalised in legend and myth as the devoted wife of the glorious Odysseus, silently weaving and unpicking and weaving again as she waits for her husband's return.

Now Penelope wanders the underworld, spinning a different kind of thread: her own side of the story - a tale of lust, greed and murder.

The Myths series brings together some of the world's finest writers, each of whom has retold a myth in a contemporary and memorable way. Authors in the series include Karen Armstrong, Margaret Atwood, A.S. Byatt, David Grossman, Natsuo Kirino, Alexander McCall Smith, Philip Pullman, Ali Smith and Jeanette Winterson.



Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood, čija su djela objavljena u više od četrdeset i pet zemalja, napisala je preko pedeset knjiga poezije, romana i kritičkih eseja, kao i grafičkih romana. Pored Sluškinjine priče, prema kojoj je snimljena i nagrađena televizijska serija, među njenim romanima su i Mačije oko, koje je 1989. ušlo u najuži izbor za Nagradu Booker; Alias Grace, koja je osvojila Nagradu Giller u Kanadi i Premio Mondello u Italiji; Slijepi ubica, dobitnik Nagrade Booker 2000. godine; trilogija Ludi Adam; i Đavolji nakot. Margaret Atwood dobitnica je brojnih nagrada, među kojima su i Njemačka književna Nagrada za mir, Međunarodna književna nagrada Franc Kafka, Nagrada za životno djelo PEN centra Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, i inovatorska nagrada Los Angeles Timesa. Dvije hiljade devetnaeste godine dodijeljen joj je Orden Društva časti, za zasluge u oblasti književnosti. Živi u Torontu s piscem Graemeom Gibsonom.

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