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Nikolaidis Andrej
Istros Books
The Coming
Nikolaidis Andrej
In a small town on the Adriatic coast, a local detective is content to sacrifice truth for the sake of telling his clients the stories they want to hear. At first, The Coming reads as a traditional detective novel, but suddenly changes form with the advent of snow in midsummer. When the town library burns down under mysterious circumstances, the detective's long-lost son begins to get involved in the investigations from afar. He takes the reader on excursions into history and recounts the life of Fra Dolcino, a medieval heretic who announced the return of the Messiah and also illuminates the life and work of Sabbatai Zevi, a Renaissance cabalist, who maintained that he himself was the Messiah. We learn that Sabbatai Zevi died in Ulcinj and left behind a manuscript, The Book of Return, which remains hidden. The unsolved mysteries of both past and present, as well as environmental anomalies, serve to create the sense of an impending apocalypse, giving way in the final chapter to a post-apocalyptic reality.
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In a small town on the Adriatic coast, a local detective is content to sacrifice truth for the sake of telling his clients the stories they want to hear. At first, The Coming reads as a traditional detective novel, but suddenly changes form with the advent of snow in midsummer. When the town library burns down under mysterious circumstances, the detective's long-lost son begins to get involved in the investigations from afar. He takes the reader on excursions into history and recounts the life of Fra Dolcino, a medieval heretic who announced the return of the Messiah and also illuminates the life and work of Sabbatai Zevi, a Renaissance cabalist, who maintained that he himself was the Messiah. We learn that Sabbatai Zevi died in Ulcinj and left behind a manuscript, The Book of Return, which remains hidden. The unsolved mysteries of both past and present, as well as environmental anomalies, serve to create the sense of an impending apocalypse, giving way in the final chapter to a post-apocalyptic reality.

Andrej Nikolaidis (Sarajevo, 1974) romanopisac, kritički komentator i novinar, jedan je od najvažnih glasova iz bivše Jugoslavije. Napisao je romane Mimesis, Sin, Dolazak, Odlaganje. Parezija, Mađarska rečenica, ogled Homo Sucker: Poetika Apokalipse, i dr. Za roman Sin dobio je Nagradu Evropske unije za književnost 2011, a za Mađarsku rečenicu 2017. godine Nagradu “Meša Selimović“. Knjige su mu objavljene na četrnaest jezika, između ostalih engleski, njemački, talijanski, mađarski, finski i turski.
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