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Julian Borger
Other Press
The Butcher's Trail
How the Search for Balkan War Criminals Became the World's Most Successful Manhunt
Julian Borger
Now updated and in paperback, the gripping story of how–and against what odds–the perpetrators of Balkan genocide were subjected to the most successful manhunt in history.
Written with a thrilling narrative pull, The Butcher’s Trail chronicles the pursuit and capture of the Balkan war criminals indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague. Borger recounts how Ratko Mladić–now on trial in The Hague–and recently convicted Radovan Karadžić were finally tracked down, and describes the intrigue behind the arrest of Slobodan Milošević, the Yugoslav president who became the first head of state to stand before an international tribunal for crimes perpetrated in a time of war. Based on interviews with former special forces soldiers, intelligence officials, and investigators from a dozen countries–most speaking about their involvement for the first time–this book reconstructs a fourteen-year manhunt carried out almost entirely in secret.Podijeli stavku :

Opis proizvoda
Now updated and in paperback, the gripping story of how–and against what odds–the perpetrators of Balkan genocide were subjected to the most successful manhunt in history.
Written with a thrilling narrative pull, The Butcher’s Trail chronicles the pursuit and capture of the Balkan war criminals indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague. Borger recounts how Ratko Mladić–now on trial in The Hague–and recently convicted Radovan Karadžić were finally tracked down, and describes the intrigue behind the arrest of Slobodan Milošević, the Yugoslav president who became the first head of state to stand before an international tribunal for crimes perpetrated in a time of war. Based on interviews with former special forces soldiers, intelligence officials, and investigators from a dozen countries–most speaking about their involvement for the first time–this book reconstructs a fourteen-year manhunt carried out almost entirely in secret.
Julian Borger diplomatski je urednik lista The Guardian. Izvještavao je o ratu u Bosni
za BBC i Guardian, a potom se 1999. godine vratio
na Balkan da izvještava o sukobu na Kosovu. Borger je bio član Guardianovog tima koji je 2014. dobio
Pulitzerovu nagradu za seriju članaka o masovnom nadziranju građana poznatih
kao Snowdenovi dokumenti. Bio je i u timu nagrađenom Medaljom za istraživačko
novinarstvo 2013. godine i Specijalnom nagradom Paul Foot za istraživačko novinarstvo
u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu.
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