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The Book of Illusions

The Book of Illusions

Paul Auster

27,00 KM

The Book of Illusions, written with breath-taking urgency and precision, plunges the reader into a universe in which the comic and the tragic, the real and the imagined, and the violent and the tender dissolve into one another.

One man's obsession with the mysterious life of a silent film star takes him on a journey into a shadow-world of lies, illusions, and unexpected love. After losing his wife and young sons in a plane crash, Vermont professor David Zimmer spends his waking hours mired in grief. Then, watching television one night, he stumbles upon a lost film by silent comedian Hector Mann, and remembers how to laugh . . .

Mann was a comic genius, in trademark white suit and fluttering black moustache. But one morning in 1929 he walked out of his house and was never heard from again. Zimmer's obsession with Mann drives him to publish a study of his work; whereupon he receives a letter postmarked New Mexico, supposedly written by Mann's wife, and inviting him to visit the great Mann himself. Can Hector Mann be alive? Zimmer cannot decide - until a strange woman appears on his doorstep and makes the decision for him, changing his life forever.


'A nearly flawless work . . . Auster will be remembered as one of the great writers of our time.' San Francisco Chronicle


'Auster's elegant, finely calibrated The Book of Illusions is a haunting feat of intellectual gamesmanship.' TheNew York Times

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The Book of Illusions, written with breath-taking urgency and precision, plunges the reader into a universe in which the comic and the tragic, the real and the imagined, and the violent and the tender dissolve into one another.

One man's obsession with the mysterious life of a silent film star takes him on a journey into a shadow-world of lies, illusions, and unexpected love. After losing his wife and young sons in a plane crash, Vermont professor David Zimmer spends his waking hours mired in grief. Then, watching television one night, he stumbles upon a lost film by silent comedian Hector Mann, and remembers how to laugh . . .

Mann was a comic genius, in trademark white suit and fluttering black moustache. But one morning in 1929 he walked out of his house and was never heard from again. Zimmer's obsession with Mann drives him to publish a study of his work; whereupon he receives a letter postmarked New Mexico, supposedly written by Mann's wife, and inviting him to visit the great Mann himself. Can Hector Mann be alive? Zimmer cannot decide - until a strange woman appears on his doorstep and makes the decision for him, changing his life forever.


'A nearly flawless work . . . Auster will be remembered as one of the great writers of our time.' San Francisco Chronicle


'Auster's elegant, finely calibrated The Book of Illusions is a haunting feat of intellectual gamesmanship.' TheNew York Times


Paul Auster

Paul Auster (Newark, New Jersey, 1947 – Brooklyn, New York, 2024) bio je istaknuti američki romanopisac, esejist, prevodilac, scenarist i pjesnik. Svoju prepoznatljivost stekao je karakterističnim spojem egzistencijalizma, apsurda i metafikcije, često istražujući u svojim djelima teme identiteta, usamljenosti i potrage za smislom.

Studirao je na Univerzitetu Columbia, ali je napustio studij prije nego što ga je završio. Radio je kao prevodilac i urednik prije nego što se u potpunosti posvetio pisanju. Njegova književna karijera započela je objavljivanjem romana Stakleni grad (1985), kojim je uveo teme slučaja, koincidencije i nepredvidljive prirode ljudskog postojanja, koje će se ponavljati u njegovim romanima. Jedno od Austerovih najznačajnijih djela je Njujorška trilogija (1987), spoj tri međusobno povezana romana koja su ga učvrstila kao vodeću figuru u američkoj postmodernoj književnosti. Druga djela, poput romana Mjesečeva palača (1989), Glazba slučaja (1990), Levijatan (1992) i Bruklinska revija ludosti (2005), miješanjem elemenata detektivskog romana, autobiografije i filozofskih promišljanja, nadalje su samo potvrdila njegov ugled. Auster je pisao i poeziju, eseje i memoare, uključujući Izum samoće (1982) i Zimski dnevnik (2012). Okušao se i u pisanju scenarija i režiranju u filmovima poput Lulu na mostu (1998) i Unutrašnji život Martina Frosta (2007).

Auster je dobitnik brojnih nagrada i priznanja. Bio je član Američke akademije umjetnosti i književnosti i nosilac francuskog ordena za postignuća u umjetnosti i književnosti. Knjige su mu prevedene na više od četrdeset jezika. Cijenjen zbog svoga maštovitog pripovijedanja i intelektualne dubine, Auster nastavlja biti istaknut glas savremene američke književnosti.

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