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Pamuk Orhan
Faber & Faber
The Black Book
Pamuk Orhan
Orhan Pamuk, is
the author of many celebrated books, including The White Castle, Istanbul and
Snow. In 2003 he won the International IMPAC Award for My Name is Red, and in
2006 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. His most recent novel, The
Museum of Innocence, was an international bestseller, praised in the Guardian
as 'an enthralling, immensely enjoyable piece of storytelling.' Orhan Pamuk
lives in Istanbul.
“'A glorious
flight of dark, fantastic invention ... It offers many pleasures, Gothic,
Borgesian and other, the best of which is a vision of Istanbul as a city of
sinister complexity.'”
extraordinary novel ... Melancholy and satirical in equal measure, dizzyingly complex
without ever losing its seductive power, it is up there with the best of Eco,
Calvino, Borges and Marquez.'”
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Opis proizvoda
Orhan Pamuk, is
the author of many celebrated books, including The White Castle, Istanbul and
Snow. In 2003 he won the International IMPAC Award for My Name is Red, and in
2006 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. His most recent novel, The
Museum of Innocence, was an international bestseller, praised in the Guardian
as 'an enthralling, immensely enjoyable piece of storytelling.' Orhan Pamuk
lives in Istanbul.
“'A glorious
flight of dark, fantastic invention ... It offers many pleasures, Gothic,
Borgesian and other, the best of which is a vision of Istanbul as a city of
sinister complexity.'”
extraordinary novel ... Melancholy and satirical in equal measure, dizzyingly complex
without ever losing its seductive power, it is up there with the best of Eco,
Calvino, Borges and Marquez.'”

Orhan Pamuk rođen je u Istanbulu 1952. godine. Od djetinjstva do dvadeset druge godine intenzivno je slikao i vjerovao da će u budućnosti postati slikar, a s dvadeset tri odlučio je postati romanopisac i potpuno se predao pisanju. Uz nekoliko knjiga eseja i knjigu memoara, sjećanja i eseja o Istanbulu, napisao je deset romana od kojih su najpoznatiji Crna knjiga, Zovem se Crvena, Snijeg, Muzej nevinosti, Čudne misli u mojoj glavi i Žena crvene kose. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada i priznanja, a 2006. godine dobio je Nobelovu nagradu za književnost. Pamuk je jedan od najistaknutijih evropskih pisaca a djela su mu prevedena na više od šezdeset jezika. Dževdet i sinovi je njegov prvi roman.
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