Pretraga proizvoda

Sarajevo: the longest siege

Sarajevo: the longest siege

Abadžić Amra



An honest, powerful and often visceral account of the privationssuffered by the citizens of Sarajevo during the siege. Though there is darkness and sadness throughout, there is also hope in the form of the remarkable stoicism of individuals and their use of art, theatre, music and, most importantly, camaraderie as a means of resisting the brutality that was imposed on their everyday lives. In a time in which Europe faces similar horrors, this book is all the more important. 

Professor Kenneth Morrison, De Montfort University


Iskrena, moćna i često bolno  intimna  priča o patnjama  koje su pretrpjeli građani Sarajeva tokom opsade. Iako svuda ima mraka i tuge, postoji i nada u vidu izuzetnog stoicizma pojedinaca i njihove upotrebe umetnosti, pozorišta, muzike i, što je najvažnije, drugarstva kao sredstva za odupiranje brutalnosti koja je nametnuta njihovim svakodnevnim životima.  U vremenu u kojem se Evropa suočava sa sličnim užasima, ova knjiga je utoliko važnija.

Professor Kenneth Morrison, De Montfort University

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Opis proizvoda


An honest, powerful and often visceral account of the privationssuffered by the citizens of Sarajevo during the siege. Though there is darkness and sadness throughout, there is also hope in the form of the remarkable stoicism of individuals and their use of art, theatre, music and, most importantly, camaraderie as a means of resisting the brutality that was imposed on their everyday lives. In a time in which Europe faces similar horrors, this book is all the more important. 

Professor Kenneth Morrison, De Montfort University


Iskrena, moćna i često bolno  intimna  priča o patnjama  koje su pretrpjeli građani Sarajeva tokom opsade. Iako svuda ima mraka i tuge, postoji i nada u vidu izuzetnog stoicizma pojedinaca i njihove upotrebe umetnosti, pozorišta, muzike i, što je najvažnije, drugarstva kao sredstva za odupiranje brutalnosti koja je nametnuta njihovim svakodnevnim životima.  U vremenu u kojem se Evropa suočava sa sličnim užasima, ova knjiga je utoliko važnija.

Professor Kenneth Morrison, De Montfort University


Abadžić Amra

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