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My Father's Notebook

My Father's Notebook

Kader Abdolah

27,00 KM

On a holy mountain in the depths of Persia there is a cave with a mysterious cuneiform carving deep inside it. Aga Akbar, a deaf-mute boy from the mountain, develops his own private script from these symbols and writes passionately of his life, his family and his efforts to make sense of the changes the twentieth century brings to his country.

Exiled in Holland a generation later, Akbar’s son Ishmael struggles to decipher the notebook, reflecting how his own political activities have forced him to flee his country and abandon his family. As he gets closer to the heart of his father’s story, he unravels the intricate tale of how the silent world of a village carpet-mender was forced to give way to one where the increasingly hostile environment of modern Iran has brought the family both love and sacrifice.


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Opis proizvoda

On a holy mountain in the depths of Persia there is a cave with a mysterious cuneiform carving deep inside it. Aga Akbar, a deaf-mute boy from the mountain, develops his own private script from these symbols and writes passionately of his life, his family and his efforts to make sense of the changes the twentieth century brings to his country.

Exiled in Holland a generation later, Akbar’s son Ishmael struggles to decipher the notebook, reflecting how his own political activities have forced him to flee his country and abandon his family. As he gets closer to the heart of his father’s story, he unravels the intricate tale of how the silent world of a village carpet-mender was forced to give way to one where the increasingly hostile environment of modern Iran has brought the family both love and sacrifice.



Kader Abdolah

Kader Abdolah rođen je 1954. u Araku, u Iranu, pod imenom Hossein Sadjadi Ghaemmaghami Farahni. Potiče iz ugledne porodice (osnivača moderne iranske književnosti i značajnog političara). Kao student fizike u Teheranu, postao je član ljevičarske političke partije koja je djelovala u tajnosti i koja se pobunila prvo protiv šaha a potom i protiv ajatolaha.
U Holandiju se doselio 1988. godine, nakon što je morao napustiti Iran.
Piše na holandskom jeziku pod pseudonimom koji se sastoji od imena njegovih poginulih prijatelja – Kadera i Abdolaha. Najpoznatija djela: Sokolovi, Djevojčice i partizani, Putovanje praznih flaša, Klinasto pismo i Kuća imama.

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