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Ishiguro Kazuo
Klara and the Sun
Ishiguro Kazuo
'The Sun always has ways to reach us.'
From her place in the store, Klara, an
Artificial Friend with outstanding observational qualities, watches carefully
the behaviour of those who come in to browse, and of those who pass in the
street outside. She remains hopeful a customer will soon choose her, but when
the possibility emerges that her circumstances may change for ever, Klara is
warned not to invest too much in the promises of humans.
In Klara and the Sun, Kazuo Ishiguro looks at
our rapidly-changing modern world through the eyes of an unforgettable narrator
to explore a fundamental question: what does it mean to love?
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Opis proizvoda
'The Sun always has ways to reach us.'
From her place in the store, Klara, an
Artificial Friend with outstanding observational qualities, watches carefully
the behaviour of those who come in to browse, and of those who pass in the
street outside. She remains hopeful a customer will soon choose her, but when
the possibility emerges that her circumstances may change for ever, Klara is
warned not to invest too much in the promises of humans.
In Klara and the Sun, Kazuo Ishiguro looks at
our rapidly-changing modern world through the eyes of an unforgettable narrator
to explore a fundamental question: what does it mean to love?

Kazuo Ishiguro (1954, Nagasaki) britanski
je romanopisac, scenarista i pisac kratkih priča. Autor je nekoliko romana od
kojih su najpoznatiji Ostaci dana, za koji je 1989. osvojio nagradu
Booker, Kad smo bili siročad, te Ne daj mi nikada da odem, koji
je 2005. magazin Time proglasio jednim od sto najboljih romana na
engleskom jeziku od osnivanja magazina 1923. godine. Ishiguro je dobitnik
Nobelove nagrade za književnost 2017.
© Lorna Ishiguro
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