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I Married a Communist

I Married a Communist

Roth Philip


The second novel of Roth’s eloquent American trilogy, set in the tempestuous McCarthy era - a brilliant successor to American Pastoral




I Married a Communist charts the rise and fall of Ira Ringold, an American roughneck who begins life as a ditchdigger in 1930s New Jersey, becoming a big-time radio hotshot in the 1940s. In his heyday as a star - and as a zealous, bullying supporter of 'progressive' political causes - Ira marries Hollywood's beloved leading lady, Eve Frame. Their glamorous honeymoon is short-lived, however, and it is the publication of Eve's scandalous bestselling expose that identifies Ira as 'an American taking his orders from Moscow'.




In this story of cruelty, betrayal, and savage revenge, anti-Communist fever pollutes national politics and infects the relationships of ordinary Americans; friends become deadly enemies, parents and children tragically estranged, lovers blacklisted and felled from vertiginous heights.




‘Quintessential Philip Roth’ Sunday Telegraph



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The second novel of Roth’s eloquent American trilogy, set in the tempestuous McCarthy era - a brilliant successor to American Pastoral




I Married a Communist charts the rise and fall of Ira Ringold, an American roughneck who begins life as a ditchdigger in 1930s New Jersey, becoming a big-time radio hotshot in the 1940s. In his heyday as a star - and as a zealous, bullying supporter of 'progressive' political causes - Ira marries Hollywood's beloved leading lady, Eve Frame. Their glamorous honeymoon is short-lived, however, and it is the publication of Eve's scandalous bestselling expose that identifies Ira as 'an American taking his orders from Moscow'.




In this story of cruelty, betrayal, and savage revenge, anti-Communist fever pollutes national politics and infects the relationships of ordinary Americans; friends become deadly enemies, parents and children tragically estranged, lovers blacklisted and felled from vertiginous heights.




‘Quintessential Philip Roth’ Sunday Telegraph




Roth Philip

Philip Roth je rođen 1933. u Newarku, New Jersey, u dobro situiranoj porodici američkih Jevreja. Studirao je jezik i književnost na univerzitetima Bucknell i Chicago.

Philip Roth je 1997. godine dobio Pulitzerovu nagradu za roman Američka pastorala. U Bijeloj kući mu je 1998. godine uručena Nacionalna medalja za umjetnost (National Medal of Arts), dok su mu 2002. dodijelili najveće priznanje Američke akademije za umjetnost i književnost (American Academy of Arts and Letters), Zlatnu medalju za književno djelo, čiji su prethodni dobitnici bili, između ostalih, John Dos Passos, William Faulkner i Saul Below. Dva puta je dobio Nacionalnu književnu nagradu (National Book Award), 1960. godine za svoju prvu knjigu Zbogom, Kolumbo, te 1996. godine za Sabbathov teatar. Također je i dvostruki dobitnik i Nacionalne nagrade kruga književnih kritičara (National Book Critics Circle Award), te trostruki lauerat nagrade PEN/Faulkner. 2005. godine za knjigu Zavjera protiv Amerike dobio je nagradu Američkog udruženja historičara (Society of American Historians' prize) za „izvanredan historijski roman o Americi tokom 2003–2004“ i nagradu W. H. Smith za Najbolju knjigu godine, kojom je Roth postao prvi autor u četrdesetšestogodišnjoj historiji koji ju je dobio dvaput.

2005. godine Roth je postao treći živući američki autor čiji je rad objavljen u sveobuhvatnom, konačnom izdanju Američke biblioteke. U sljedećim godinama dobio je nagrade PEN/Nabokov (2006) i PEN/Bellow (2007). 2011. godine u Bijeloj kući mu je dodijeljena Nacionalna humanistička medalja (National Humanities Medal), a kasnije su ga proglasili četvrtim dobitnikom Internacionalne nagrade Man Booker (Man Booker International Prize). Najviše špansko odlikovanje, nagradu Princ od Asturije (Prince of Asturias Award), dobio je 2012, a 2013. najviše francusko odlikovanje, Komandant Legije časti (Commander of the Legion of Honor).


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