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Saša Stanišić
Pushkin Press
How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone
Saša Stanišić
The prize-winning debut novel by the author of Before the Feast
Aleksandar is Comrade-in-Chief of fishing, the best magician in the non-aligned States and painter of unfinished things. He knows the first chapter of Marx's Das Kapital by heart but spends most of his time playing football in the Bosnian town of Visegrad on the banks of the river Drina.
When his grandfather, a master storyteller, dies of the fastest heart attack in the world while watching Carl Lewis's record, Aleksandar promises to carry on the tradition. However when the shadow of war spreads to Visegrad, the world as he knows it stops.
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The prize-winning debut novel by the author of Before the Feast
Aleksandar is Comrade-in-Chief of fishing, the best magician in the non-aligned States and painter of unfinished things. He knows the first chapter of Marx's Das Kapital by heart but spends most of his time playing football in the Bosnian town of Visegrad on the banks of the river Drina.
When his grandfather, a master storyteller, dies of the fastest heart attack in the world while watching Carl Lewis's record, Aleksandar promises to carry on the tradition. However when the shadow of war spreads to Visegrad, the world as he knows it stops.

Saša Stanišić (Višegrad, 1978) jedan je od najistaknutijih savremenih njemačkih književnika. Za svoje priče i romane dobio je brojne nagrade i priznanja, između ostalih, nagradu Sajma knjiga u Leipzigu za Uoči svetkovine i Njemačku književnu nagradu za Porijeklo. Djela su mu prevedena na više od trideset jezika. Živi i radi u Hamburgu.
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