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Riordan Rick
Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds Your Introduction to Deities, Mythical Beings & Fantastic Creatures.
Riordan Rick
For Magnus Chase: Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds will whet readers' appetites for The Hammer of Thor.
It is a 176-page, smaller format book with black-and-white illustrations throughout. Helgi - the hotel manager - created this book for each hotel guest, so that he wouldn't have to answer so many questions at the front desk.
It has short entries about the deities, mythical beings, and fantastic creatures from the nine Norse worlds, and also contains bonus material, including interviews, newspaper articles, short stories and more. The tone is humorous, complementing Rick's series.
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Opis proizvoda
For Magnus Chase: Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds will whet readers' appetites for The Hammer of Thor.
It is a 176-page, smaller format book with black-and-white illustrations throughout. Helgi - the hotel manager - created this book for each hotel guest, so that he wouldn't have to answer so many questions at the front desk.
It has short entries about the deities, mythical beings, and fantastic creatures from the nine Norse worlds, and also contains bonus material, including interviews, newspaper articles, short stories and more. The tone is humorous, complementing Rick's series.

Richard Russell Riordan Jr. američki je autor. Poznat je po tome što je napisao seriju Percy Jackson & Olympians, o dvanaestogodišnjem Percyju Jacksonu koji otkriva da je sin grčkog Boga Posejdona. Riordanove knjige prevedene su na četrdeset dva jezika i prodane u više od trideset milijona primjeraka u SAD-u.
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