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Elif Shafak
Elif Shafak
From award-winning writer Elif Shafak, the Orange Prize long-listed author of The Forty Rules of Love and The Architect's Apprentice, Honour is a tale of love, betrayal and clashing cultures.
'A powerful book; thoughtful, provoking and compassionate' Joanne Harris, author of Chocolat
'My mother died twice. I promised myself I would not let her story be forgotten . . .'
Leaving her twin sister behind, Pembe leaves Turkey for love - following her husband Adem to London. There the Topraks hope to make new lives for themselves and their children. Yet, no matter how far they travel, the traditions and beliefs the Topraks left behind stay with them - carried in the blood.
Their eldest is the boy Iskender, who remembers Turkey and feels betrayal deeper than most. His sister is Esma, who is loyal and true despite the pain and heartache. And, lastly, Yunus, who was born in London, and is shy and different.
Trapped by the mistakes of the past, the Toprak children find their lives shattered and transformed by a brutal act of murder . . .
A powerful novel set in Turkey and London in the 1970s, Honour explores pain and loss, loyalty and betrayal, the trials of the immigrant, the clash of tradition and modernity, as well as the love and heartbreak that too often tears families apart.
'Vivid storytelling... that explores the darkest aspects of faith and love' Sunday Telegraph
'Rich and wide as the Euphrates river along whose banks it begins and ends, Elif Shafak has woven with masterful care and compassion one immigrant family's heartbreaking story - a story nurtured in the terrible silences between men and women trying to grow within ancient ways, all the while growing past them. I loved this book' Sarah Blake, author of The Postmistress
'[Elif Shafak] joins writers such as Hanif Kureishi, Zadie Smith, Monica Ali, Aamer Hussein, Andrea Levy, Hanan al-Shakyh and Leila Aboulela, who offer us fictional glimpses of London's Others' The Independent
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Opis proizvoda
From award-winning writer Elif Shafak, the Orange Prize long-listed author of The Forty Rules of Love and The Architect's Apprentice, Honour is a tale of love, betrayal and clashing cultures.
'A powerful book; thoughtful, provoking and compassionate' Joanne Harris, author of Chocolat
'My mother died twice. I promised myself I would not let her story be forgotten . . .'
Leaving her twin sister behind, Pembe leaves Turkey for love - following her husband Adem to London. There the Topraks hope to make new lives for themselves and their children. Yet, no matter how far they travel, the traditions and beliefs the Topraks left behind stay with them - carried in the blood.
Their eldest is the boy Iskender, who remembers Turkey and feels betrayal deeper than most. His sister is Esma, who is loyal and true despite the pain and heartache. And, lastly, Yunus, who was born in London, and is shy and different.
Trapped by the mistakes of the past, the Toprak children find their lives shattered and transformed by a brutal act of murder . . .
A powerful novel set in Turkey and London in the 1970s, Honour explores pain and loss, loyalty and betrayal, the trials of the immigrant, the clash of tradition and modernity, as well as the love and heartbreak that too often tears families apart.
'Vivid storytelling... that explores the darkest aspects of faith and love' Sunday Telegraph
'Rich and wide as the Euphrates river along whose banks it begins and ends, Elif Shafak has woven with masterful care and compassion one immigrant family's heartbreaking story - a story nurtured in the terrible silences between men and women trying to grow within ancient ways, all the while growing past them. I loved this book' Sarah Blake, author of The Postmistress
'[Elif Shafak] joins writers such as Hanif Kureishi, Zadie Smith, Monica Ali, Aamer Hussein, Andrea Levy, Hanan al-Shakyh and Leila Aboulela, who offer us fictional glimpses of London's Others' The Independent

Elif Şafak je višestruko nagrađivana spisateljica i najčitanija književna autorica u Turskoj. Aktivna je kao politička komentatorica i predavačica.
Piše na turskom i engleskom jeziku, a do sada je objavila petnaest knjiga, uključujući deset romana među kojima se ističu bestseleri Istanbulsko kopile i Četrdeset pravila ljubavi. Knjige su joj prevedene na četrdeset i sedam jezika.
Şafak je TED govornica, članica Vijeća za izradu globalnog programa za razvoj kreativne industrije Svjetskog ekonomskog foruma u Davosu i jedna od osnivačica Evropskog vijeća za međunarodne odnose, ECFR. Francuska vlada joj je 2010. dodijelila Orden viteza za umjetnost i književnost.
Piše za vodeće svjetske dnevne novine i časopise, uključujući Financial Times, Guardian,New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Der Spiegel i La Repubblicu.
Predavala je na brojnim univerzitetima u Turskoj, Velikoj Britaniji i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Diplomirala je međunarodne odnose, magistrirala rodne i ženske studije, a doktorirala političke nauke. Poznata je kao aktivistkinja za prava žena, manjina i pripadnika LGBT populacije.
Njene su knjige nominovane za nagradu Orange, MAN Asian nagradu, Baileys nagradu i IMPAC Dublin nagradu, a ušle su u uži izbor za dodjelu Nagrade za najbolji roman na stranom jeziku i RSL Ondaatje nagrade.
Bila je članica žirija za dodjelu Nezavisne nagrade za najbolji roman na stranom jeziku (2013), Nagrade za najbolju kratku priču Sunday Timesa (2014, 2015), desete po redu nagrade Žene budućnosti (2015), FT/Oppenheimer Fond nagrade za nove autorske glasove (2015, 2016), Baileys ženske nagrade za književnu fikciju (2016) i Man Booker međunarodne književne nagrade (2017).
Şafak živi u Londonu.
Twitter @Elif_Safak
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