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Evening in Paradise

Evening in Paradise

More Stories

Berlin Lucia


The chance to join 'the Revival of the Great Lucia Berlin' (New York Times)

From the author of A Manual for Cleaning Women.

Ranging from Texas, to Chile, to New Mexico and New York, in Evening in Paradise Berlin writes about the good, the bad and everything in between: struggling young mothers, husbands who pack their bags and leave in the middle of the night, wives looking back at their first marriage from the distance of their second . . .

The publication of A Manual for Cleaning Women, Lucia Berlin’s dazzling collection of short stories, marked the rediscovery of a writer whose talent had gone unremarked by many. The incredible reaction to Lucia’s writing – her ability to capture the beauty and ugliness that coexist in everyday lives, the extraordinary honesty and magnetism with which she draws on her own history to breathe life into her characters – included calls for her contribution to American literature to be as celebrated as that of Raymond Carver.

Evening in Paradise is a careful selection from Lucia Berlin’s remaining stories – a jewel-box follow-up for her hungry fans.


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The chance to join 'the Revival of the Great Lucia Berlin' (New York Times)

From the author of A Manual for Cleaning Women.

Ranging from Texas, to Chile, to New Mexico and New York, in Evening in Paradise Berlin writes about the good, the bad and everything in between: struggling young mothers, husbands who pack their bags and leave in the middle of the night, wives looking back at their first marriage from the distance of their second . . .

The publication of A Manual for Cleaning Women, Lucia Berlin’s dazzling collection of short stories, marked the rediscovery of a writer whose talent had gone unremarked by many. The incredible reaction to Lucia’s writing – her ability to capture the beauty and ugliness that coexist in everyday lives, the extraordinary honesty and magnetism with which she draws on her own history to breathe life into her characters – included calls for her contribution to American literature to be as celebrated as that of Raymond Carver.

Evening in Paradise is a careful selection from Lucia Berlin’s remaining stories – a jewel-box follow-up for her hungry fans.



Berlin Lucia

Lucia Berlin, rođena 1936. u Juneauu na Aljasci, američka je spisateljica. U dvadeset četvrtoj godini počela je objavljivati priče u časopisu The Nobel Savage koji je uređivao Saul Bellow. Priča Moj džokej donijela joj je Nagradu Jack London za najbolju kratku priču 1985, a sa zbirkom Žudnja za domom osvojila je Američku književnu nagradu 1991. godine. Radila je kao srednjoškolska nastavnica, spremačica, telefonistica, medicinska sestra, istovremeno se brinući o svoja četiri sina i boreći se s alkoholizmom. U periodu od 1996. do 2000. predavala je kreativno pisanje na Univerzitetu u Coloradu. Umrla je 2004, a jedanaest godina nakon njene smrti objavljena je knjiga Priručnik za spremačice, prevedena već na trideset jezika.

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