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Don't Call It Night

Don't Call It Night

Oz Amos


In the summer of 1989, at Tel-Kedar, a small settlement in the Negev Desert, the long time love affair between Theo, a sixty-year-old civil engineer, and Noa, a much younger school teacher, is slowly disintegrating. When a pupil of Noa's dies under difficult circumstances, the couple and the entire town are thrown into turmoil.

With characteristic subtlety and brilliance, Amos Oz tells a wry and tender story of frustrated ambition and love which is never quite fulfilled - bringing together stormy intrigue in a small community with gentle humour and an intimate anatomy of a relationship.

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Opis proizvoda

In the summer of 1989, at Tel-Kedar, a small settlement in the Negev Desert, the long time love affair between Theo, a sixty-year-old civil engineer, and Noa, a much younger school teacher, is slowly disintegrating. When a pupil of Noa's dies under difficult circumstances, the couple and the entire town are thrown into turmoil.

With characteristic subtlety and brilliance, Amos Oz tells a wry and tender story of frustrated ambition and love which is never quite fulfilled - bringing together stormy intrigue in a small community with gentle humour and an intimate anatomy of a relationship.


Oz Amos

Amos Oz, jedan od najznačajnijih savremenih izraelskih pisaca, rođen je kao Amos Klausner 1939. u Jeruzalemu. Odrastao je u Jeruzalemu u Ulici Amos u četvrti Kerem Avraham, u kojoj je smještena radnja najvećeg broja njegovih romana. Jedan je od prvih Izraelaca koji je zagovarao rješavanje izraelsko- palestinskog sukoba nakon Šestodnevnog rata. Učinio je to još 1967. u članku “Zemlja naših predaka” u novinama Davar. Njegova prva zbirka priča Gdje šakali zavijaju izlazi 1965, a prvi roman Možda drugdje 1966. Do sada je objavio tridesetak knjiga priča, romana i eseja, među kojima se posebno ističu Moj Michael, Crna kutija, Priča o ljubavi i tmini... Dobitnik je niza prestižnih nagrada – Izraelske nagrade za književnost, Mirovne nagrade njemačkih izdavača i knjižara, Goetheove nagrade grada Frankfurta, Nagrade Franz Kafka i mnogih drugih važnih svjetskih nagrada i priznanja. Djela su mu prevedena na više od četrdeset svjetskih jezika.

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