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City of Girls

City of Girls

Gilbert Elizabeth





Lisa Taddeo, author of THREE WOMEN


'Warm and wise'

Stephanie Merritt, Observer


'Glamorous, sexy, compelling'

Dolly Alderton, Sunday Times


'I fell in love with Vivian from page one'

Daisy Buchanan


'An education in love, and an iridescent delight'

Rowan Pelling, Spectator


New York, 1940. Young, glamorous and inseparable, Vivian and Celia are chasing trouble from one end of the city to the other. But there is risk in all this play – that's what makes it so fun, and so dangerous. Sometimes, the world may feel like it's ending, but for Vivian and Celia, life is just beginning.


City of Girls is about daring to break conventions and follow your desires: a celebration of glamour, resilience, growing up, and the joys of female friendship – and about the freedom that comes from finding a place you truly belong.


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Lisa Taddeo, author of THREE WOMEN


'Warm and wise'

Stephanie Merritt, Observer


'Glamorous, sexy, compelling'

Dolly Alderton, Sunday Times


'I fell in love with Vivian from page one'

Daisy Buchanan


'An education in love, and an iridescent delight'

Rowan Pelling, Spectator


New York, 1940. Young, glamorous and inseparable, Vivian and Celia are chasing trouble from one end of the city to the other. But there is risk in all this play – that's what makes it so fun, and so dangerous. Sometimes, the world may feel like it's ending, but for Vivian and Celia, life is just beginning.


City of Girls is about daring to break conventions and follow your desires: a celebration of glamour, resilience, growing up, and the joys of female friendship – and about the freedom that comes from finding a place you truly belong.



Gilbert Elizabeth

Elizabeth Gilbert (Connecticut, 1969) američa je autorica nekoliko međunaronih beselera. Studirala je političke nauke na New York University. Nakon fakulteta nekoliko godina je putovala zemljom, radeći i prikupljajući iskustva, koja je iskoristila za pisanje svoje prve knjige, zbirke kratkih priča, Pilgrims. Nekoliko godina radila je kao novinar za razne časopise (Spin, GQ, The New York Times Magazine).

Prvi roman Stern Men objavila je 2000. godine, a 2002. knjigu The Last American Man. Njena najpoznatija knjiga je Jedi, moli, voli, megabestseler, objavljen 2006. Po toj knjizi snimljen je i istoimeni film. Zatim, 2010. slijedi U dobru i zlu, svojevrsni nastavak prethodne knjige, također bestseler. 2008. magazin Time uvrstio je Elizabeth Gilbert među sto najutjecajnijih ljudi na svijetu. Nakon velikog bestelera Potpis na svim stvarima, 2019. objavljen je njen najnoviji roman Grad za djevojke


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