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Safak Elif
Black Milk
Safak Elif
Black Milk is the affecting and beautifully written memoir on motherhood and writing by Turkey's bestselling female writer Elif Shafak, author of Honour, The Gaze and The Bastard of Istanbul which was long-listed for the Orange prize.
Postpartum depression affects millions of new mothers every year, and- like most of its victims- Elif Shafak never expected to be one of them.
But after the birth of her first child in 2006, the internationally bestselling Turkish author remembers how "for the first time my adult life . . . words wouldn't speak to me".
As her despair finally eased, Shafak sought to resuscitate her writing life by chronicling her own experiences.
In her intimate memoir, she reveals how she struggled to overcome her depression and how literature provided the salvation she so desperately needed.
'An intimate, affecting memoir . . . Her passion for literature is contagious, and her struggle with postpartum depression and writer's block reinforces how carefully all of us must tread. Beautifully rendered, Shafak's Black Milk is an epic poem to women everywhere' Colleen Mondor
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Black Milk is the affecting and beautifully written memoir on motherhood and writing by Turkey's bestselling female writer Elif Shafak, author of Honour, The Gaze and The Bastard of Istanbul which was long-listed for the Orange prize.
Postpartum depression affects millions of new mothers every year, and- like most of its victims- Elif Shafak never expected to be one of them.
But after the birth of her first child in 2006, the internationally bestselling Turkish author remembers how "for the first time my adult life . . . words wouldn't speak to me".
As her despair finally eased, Shafak sought to resuscitate her writing life by chronicling her own experiences.
In her intimate memoir, she reveals how she struggled to overcome her depression and how literature provided the salvation she so desperately needed.
'An intimate, affecting memoir . . . Her passion for literature is contagious, and her struggle with postpartum depression and writer's block reinforces how carefully all of us must tread. Beautifully rendered, Shafak's Black Milk is an epic poem to women everywhere' Colleen Mondor

Elif Şafak je višestruko nagrađivana spisateljica i najčitanija književna autorica u Turskoj. Aktivna je kao politička komentatorica i predavačica.
Piše na turskom i engleskom jeziku, a do sada je objavila petnaest knjiga, uključujući deset romana među kojima se ističu bestseleri Istanbulsko kopile i Četrdeset pravila ljubavi. Knjige su joj prevedene na četrdeset i sedam jezika.
Şafak je TED govornica, članica Vijeća za izradu globalnog programa za razvoj kreativne industrije Svjetskog ekonomskog foruma u Davosu i jedna od osnivačica Evropskog vijeća za međunarodne odnose, ECFR. Francuska vlada joj je 2010. dodijelila Orden viteza za umjetnost i književnost.
Piše za vodeće svjetske dnevne novine i časopise, uključujući Financial Times, Guardian,New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Der Spiegel i La Repubblicu.
Predavala je na brojnim univerzitetima u Turskoj, Velikoj Britaniji i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Diplomirala je međunarodne odnose, magistrirala rodne i ženske studije, a doktorirala političke nauke. Poznata je kao aktivistkinja za prava žena, manjina i pripadnika LGBT populacije.
Njene su knjige nominovane za nagradu Orange, MAN Asian nagradu, Baileys nagradu i IMPAC Dublin nagradu, a ušle su u uži izbor za dodjelu Nagrade za najbolji roman na stranom jeziku i RSL Ondaatje nagrade.
Bila je članica žirija za dodjelu Nezavisne nagrade za najbolji roman na stranom jeziku (2013), Nagrade za najbolju kratku priču Sunday Timesa (2014, 2015), desete po redu nagrade Žene budućnosti (2015), FT/Oppenheimer Fond nagrade za nove autorske glasove (2015, 2016), Baileys ženske nagrade za književnu fikciju (2016) i Man Booker međunarodne književne nagrade (2017).
Şafak živi u Londonu.
Twitter @Elif_Safak
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