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Amos Oz
A Tale Of Love And Darkness
Amos Oz
Amos Oz's remarkable, moving story takes us on a seductive journey through his childhood and adolescence, along Jerusalem's war-torn streets in the 1940s and '50s and into a small apartment crowded with books in twelve languages and relatives speaking nearly as many. Caught between them is one small boy with the weight of generations on his shoulders.
Oz dives into 120 years of family history and paradox, the saga of a Jewish love-hate affair with Europe that sweeps from Vilna and Odessa, via Poland and Prague, to Israel. Farce and heartbreak, history and humanity make up this story of clashing cultures and lives, of suffering and perseverance, of love and darkness.
‘Oz’s greatest work…not only his autobiography, but in a way the biography of Israel before it was created’ David Grossman, Observer
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Amos Oz's remarkable, moving story takes us on a seductive journey through his childhood and adolescence, along Jerusalem's war-torn streets in the 1940s and '50s and into a small apartment crowded with books in twelve languages and relatives speaking nearly as many. Caught between them is one small boy with the weight of generations on his shoulders.
Oz dives into 120 years of family history and paradox, the saga of a Jewish love-hate affair with Europe that sweeps from Vilna and Odessa, via Poland and Prague, to Israel. Farce and heartbreak, history and humanity make up this story of clashing cultures and lives, of suffering and perseverance, of love and darkness.
‘Oz’s greatest work…not only his autobiography, but in a way the biography of Israel before it was created’ David Grossman, Observer

Amos Oz, jedan od najznačajnijih savremenih izraelskih pisaca, rođen je kao Amos Klausner 1939. u Jeruzalemu. Odrastao je u Jeruzalemu u Ulici Amos u četvrti Kerem Avraham, u kojoj je smještena radnja najvećeg broja njegovih romana. Jedan je od prvih Izraelaca koji je zagovarao rješavanje izraelsko- palestinskog sukoba nakon Šestodnevnog rata. Učinio je to još 1967. u članku “Zemlja naših predaka” u novinama Davar. Njegova prva zbirka priča Gdje šakali zavijaju izlazi 1965, a prvi roman Možda drugdje 1966. Do sada je objavio tridesetak knjiga priča, romana i eseja, među kojima se posebno ističu Moj Michael, Crna kutija, Priča o ljubavi i tmini... Dobitnik je niza prestižnih nagrada – Izraelske nagrade za književnost, Mirovne nagrade njemačkih izdavača i knjižara, Goetheove nagrade grada Frankfurta, Nagrade Franz Kafka i mnogih drugih važnih svjetskih nagrada i priznanja. Djela su mu prevedena na više od četrdeset svjetskih jezika.
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