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A Sultan in Palermo

A Sultan in Palermo

Ali Tariq


This fourth novel in Tariq Ali's "Islam Quintet" is set in medieval Palermo, a Muslim city rivaling Baghdad and Cordoba in size and splendor. The year is 1153. The Normans are ruling Siqqiliya, but Arab culture and language dominate the island and the court. Sultan Rujari (King Roger) surrounds himself with Muslim intellectuals, several concubines, and an administration presided over by gifted eunuchs. The bishops, expecting to be at the pinnacle of power, are angered by the decadence of the court. In this captivating novel, Tariq Ali charts the life and loves of the medieval cartographer Muhammed al-Idrisi. Torn between his close friendship with the sultan and his friends who are leaving the island or plotting a resistance to Norman rule, Idrisi finds temporary solace in the harem; but, confronted by the common people of Noto and Catania, his conscience is troubled.


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This fourth novel in Tariq Ali's "Islam Quintet" is set in medieval Palermo, a Muslim city rivaling Baghdad and Cordoba in size and splendor. The year is 1153. The Normans are ruling Siqqiliya, but Arab culture and language dominate the island and the court. Sultan Rujari (King Roger) surrounds himself with Muslim intellectuals, several concubines, and an administration presided over by gifted eunuchs. The bishops, expecting to be at the pinnacle of power, are angered by the decadence of the court. In this captivating novel, Tariq Ali charts the life and loves of the medieval cartographer Muhammed al-Idrisi. Torn between his close friendship with the sultan and his friends who are leaving the island or plotting a resistance to Norman rule, Idrisi finds temporary solace in the harem; but, confronted by the common people of Noto and Catania, his conscience is troubled.



Ali Tariq

Tariq Ali je rođen u Lahoreu, u Pakistanu. Studirao je političke nauke, filozofiju i ekonomiju na Oksfordskom univerzitetu i za vrijeme studija istakao se kao oštar protivnik rata u Vijetnamu. Urednik časopisa New Left Review, Tariq Ali, jedan od najznačajnijih lijevo orijentiranih intelektualaca današnjice, napisao je više knjiga o svjetskoj historiji i politici – 1968: Marching in the Streets; Rough Music: Blairs, Bombs, Baghdad, London, Terror;... zbirke eseja – Conversations with Edward Said; The Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity (prevedena na naš jezik kao Sukob fundamentalizama: križarski ratovi, džihad i suvremenost); The protocols of the Elders of Sodom;...


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