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A Strangeness in My Mind

A Strangeness in My Mind

Pamuk Orhan


At a family wedding Mevlut catches sight of a girl with whom he falls in love. After a secret courtship of letters passed via his cousin, she agrees to elope with him, and on a dark night the two come together for the first time. As they rush to catch a train to Istanbul, Mevlut realises he has been misled. But the die is cast, and the situation will determine the rest of his days. Over the next four decades in Istanbul, Mevlut works various jobs to support his loving wife and family; work that gives him a special perspective on his rapidly changing city and the people who live there. And every evening he walks the streets, selling his wares and dreaming his dreams.


“A magnificent novel.”


“Powerful and moving.”



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Opis proizvoda

At a family wedding Mevlut catches sight of a girl with whom he falls in love. After a secret courtship of letters passed via his cousin, she agrees to elope with him, and on a dark night the two come together for the first time. As they rush to catch a train to Istanbul, Mevlut realises he has been misled. But the die is cast, and the situation will determine the rest of his days. Over the next four decades in Istanbul, Mevlut works various jobs to support his loving wife and family; work that gives him a special perspective on his rapidly changing city and the people who live there. And every evening he walks the streets, selling his wares and dreaming his dreams.


“A magnificent novel.”


“Powerful and moving.”




Pamuk Orhan

Orhan Pamuk rođen je u Istanbulu 1952. godine. Od djetinjstva do dvadeset druge godine intenzivno je slikao i vjerovao da će u budućnosti postati slikar, a s dvadeset tri odlučio je postati romanopisac i potpuno se predao pisanju. Uz nekoliko knjiga eseja i knjigu memoara, sjećanja i eseja o Istanbulu, napisao je deset romana od kojih su najpoznatiji Crna knjiga, Zovem se Crvena, Snijeg, Muzej nevinosti, Čudne misli u mojoj glavi i Žena crvene kose. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada i priznanja, a 2006. godine dobio je Nobelovu nagradu za književnost. Pamuk je jedan od najistaknutijih evropskih pisaca a djela su mu prevedena na više od šezdeset jezika. Dževdet i sinovi je njegov prvi roman.


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