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Power Samantha
Flamingo; New Ed e...
A Problem from Hell
America and the Age of Genocide
Power Samantha
In her
award-winning interrogation of the last century of American history, Samantha
Power―a former Balkan war correspondent and founding executive director of
Harvard's Carr Center for Human Rights Policy―asks the haunting question: Why
do American leaders who vow "never again" repeatedly fail to stop
genocide? Drawing upon exclusive interviews with Washington's top policy
makers, access to newly declassified documents, and her own reporting from the
modern killing fields, Power provides the answer in A Problem from Hell, a groundbreaking
work that tells the stories of the courageous Americans who risked their
careers and lives in an effort to get the United States to act.
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Opis proizvoda
In her
award-winning interrogation of the last century of American history, Samantha
Power―a former Balkan war correspondent and founding executive director of
Harvard's Carr Center for Human Rights Policy―asks the haunting question: Why
do American leaders who vow "never again" repeatedly fail to stop
genocide? Drawing upon exclusive interviews with Washington's top policy
makers, access to newly declassified documents, and her own reporting from the
modern killing fields, Power provides the answer in A Problem from Hell, a groundbreaking
work that tells the stories of the courageous Americans who risked their
careers and lives in an effort to get the United States to act.

Samantha Power dugogodišnja je suradnica Baracka Obame, a javnosti je poznata i kao dobitnica Pulitzerove nagrade za novinarstvo i književnost. Prema njezinoj vlastitoj definiciji, ona je "dijete Bosne" (rođena je u Irskoj 1970. godine, a preselila je u Sjedinjene Američke Države kada joj je bilo devet godina), gdje je bila angažirana na otkrivanju ratnih zločina i zaštiti ljudskih prava. Autorica je knjige “A problem from Hell”, u kojoj govori o američkim odgovorima na genocide počinjene u 20. stoljeću, čime je potakla debate o moralnoj odgovornosti koju imaju Sjedinjene Američke Države kao velesila. Samantha Power je u Bosnu i Hercegovinu došla 1993. godine kao freelance novinarka. Kasnije je napisala da je za nju bilo šokantno, u to je vrijeme imala 23 godine, to što su žrtve bile ciljane ne zbog onoga što su učinile nego zbog toga ko su, koje su nacionalnosti i vjeroispovijesti.
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